Oceanus finishes BATing and is dockside in SF

Oceanus finished 24-hours BATing on the Oceano array bounding box. We can see both the large-scale wind-driven response and the NLIWs coming in (see plot below). The storm knocked some kelp free which we managed to catch on the BAT. No harm, no foul.


We were happy to get the BAT back on board and head north. Here’s an ecstatic Johannes Becherer with the  GusT sensors on the front of the BAT. The dolphins said hello and sent us on our way north. Heading north, we had a 30-knot head wind and big seas to pound in to.

In the morning, the Golden Gate bridge emerged from the fog as we approached San Francisco. Two more whale sightings in the main channel and by Alcatrez. We scooted past the Financial District, a docked 4000-person cruise ship, AT&T park (The Giants don’t play until tomorrow night) and under the Bay Bridge before reaching our destination.

A great cruise with tons of data collected. We’re looking forward to getting back out again in a couple of weeks.

—Jack Barth and team R/V Oceanus