Sproul Pt. Sal survey

Since the first Intensive Operations Period (IOP 1) in September/2017, results from the different groups have been coming together to reveal a complicated plot around Pt. Sal, with lots of topographic wakes, recirculation south of the point, ridiculously sharp fronts and some really aggressive high-frequency internal waves. Between about noon on the 12th until 9 am on the 13th, we … Read More

An Oceano trifecta in X-band vision

The IOP1 asset visualization now includes 3 ships, 3 boats, 2 sets of drifters and x-band radar images! Thanks to Falk Feddersen for hosting the full video of IOP1! On 15 September the UNOLS vessel trifecta encountered mingling fronts and internal wave packets headed onshore during Oceano surveys. Two-hours of near-surface temperature data trail each vessel. The tightly-packed moorings, soon … Read More

SIO student cruise wrap-up

After 240 hours of hard work and 4,970 towed uCTD casts, we are happy to add SCoNE (point Sal Coastal circulatioN Experiment) to the list of successful student cruises made possible by the UC Ship Funds Program. We wish to thank everyone who worked to make this experiment a reality, including the Science Party and the Crew of the R/V Robert … Read More